Sunday, July 4, 2010

Celebrating Independence Day at the Beach?

It's so hard to realize that there's only one week left of my Brown experience before I have to depart for home. I'll be missing many things such as the college life, eating style, amazing classes, and the learning experience here. The best part, though, is that I will be bringing all of my experiences here at Brown and bringing it back to my peers, hopefully influencing their lives.

Meanwhile, how was everyone's 4th of July??? For me, this was the first time I had so much fun on this national holiday. First was Scarborough Beach. Another aspect which I like about Brown is that with your student ID, you can use the bus and trolley system for free. You just swipe your card and you're all set. The bus ride to Scarborough Beach was no exception. Just being given a free bus ride is one of the many incentives for me to go to a prestigious college like Brown; feeling honored and praised for working hard.

I have a bad experience with sun burns, especially the ones that are very severe. When I was a child, sun burns occur frequently. With prior knowledge of the immense pain, I tried to avoid the sun. Unfortunately, the waves attracted me like a soda on a hot day. My feet felt cool as I walked down the shore, viewing the scene. Umbrellas, families, waves, sand...all the characteristics of a beautiful beach. Austin and I tried making sand castles, but it was washed away in the end marking the end result of a day's long work.

4th of July for me back home was watching fireworks on the television. We would stay up until 12 watching fireworks going off in all parts of the U.S. Not today. Today, I experienced the real thing. I, and another 1000+ spectators, watched in amazement as fireworks went off. The light show and "boom" stunned me and sometimes shook my body. Tonight will be a night that I'll remember forever.

1 comment:

  1. William,

    That's a pretty good deal that Brown has going:give us $53,000 per year and we'll throw in a free bus pass. Sounds like a heck of a deal. Where do I sign up?
