Friday, May 21, 2010

"You Will Soon Cross Desert Sands On Your Way To A Fun Vacation."

On Tuesday, at the City Council Meeting, it was nice to hear the support of the Pinole City Council for Pinole Valley High. I was very proud to represent my school, and to represent the student leaders of tomorrow. It was very encouraging to be there with all of the support of the community and I appreciate the City Council for their efforts to help us. Thank you also to Ms. Kahn and Ms. Kaplan for being there with us.

On Friday at lunch at my school, there was a Multicultural Carnival, and among them there were fortune cookies being sold. Feeling hungry, I gave into temptation and bought one. "You will soon cross desert sands on your way to a fun vacation", said the fortune cookie. Immediately I thought about my upcoming trip to Brown University, and what an auspicious symbol this was. 

Thank you to Mr. Ramsey, Don, and Ms. Kronenberg for making this opportunity to cross desert sands and to reach for higher potential possible.

1 comment:

  1. Austin,

    I appreciated that you wrote your thanks here but I hope that you're just as thankful that we bought you airline tickets so you wouldn't actually have to WALK through the desert sands on your way to RHode Island.
