Friday, April 23, 2010

Fancy Dinners and Nice People

The Brown Dinner on Thursday night with all of my fellow Brown summer students was delicious. The carrot soup was wonderful, as was the fish, and the chocolate cake was scrumptious. I also enjoyed talking to some of the alumni, and I'm glad to had have that opportunity as they answered many of my questions. Most notably, I remember that one alumni told me that, "Very few students your age know what they want to do for the rest of their lives yet. Those who do are very lucky indeed." Although simplistic and logical, his comment assured me that I was not the only one in the world panicking about their future lives and jobs. He continued on to say that it really doesn't matter what is your first job, but what job you end up in is what matters. Also very comforting words. As I talked to another alumni, she told me to remember that all colleges are different, and not to worry about what college offers what. Just pick the one that you feel comfortable in, and you'll do just fine. As we ended the evening, I thought about all the knowledge and friendships I made that night, and I realized that without the ILC, I would not have had such an opportunity to learn not only about my future, but about how to reach my full potential. As always, my thanks go out to Don Gosney, Mr. Ramsey and Ms. Kronenberg for their continual support, dedication, and hard work to make dreams like these possible for the students of the WCCUSD.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Austin,

    You are growing up before our eyes. I know that your parents are thrilled to read your comments. One can see that you are poised to reap the Ivy League Connection benefits. Your journey will really begin when you travel to Providence this summer. You will have a lot to digest, but once you see what is going on with the program you will take a great deal from it.

    Hope all else is well.

    Charles T. Ramsey, Esq.
    School Board Member
    West Contra Costa
    Unified School District
