More proof will be what information I learned at the Symposium that I can emplace in my action plan and other services. I will have to be more patient.
You will have to forgive me. I do not consider myself an artist, in fact I am not, but do take pride in my pictures and my on-the-spot stories for my younger brother. Nevertheless, I wrote a poem regarding a stat. I learned today during a speech at the Symposium. The poem is also of a thought I had been thinking of before.
Sunday, today, was when I learned this:
Here it is- some very shocking news
Outrageous it may seem, it happened in America
Checking in the box for whom you want to lead- is it a
In from one place and then to the
Going and going Spreading
Voting is a way for the people to shape their government-that shapes them
Only 40% of Americans voted six days ago
This needs to improve
Explain to me, please, why only 40%
My vision of me at 18 is holding a ballot in my hand
Excitement not contained with my hair flying in the wind
And supporting the flag that-
Not too long ago many fought and
Died for
Yet with so many people working to form an
Oasis in a desert. Minute Men, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King Jr… was the desert
Unadulterated from their work?
And are you part of that 40% or is the answer
Did you vote six days ago